Ogilby's Duiker
Ogilby's Duiker

Average Mass:
21 kg (46 lb)

Average Shoulder Height:
53 cm (21")

Rowland Ward:
8.58 cm (3 3/8")


Ogilby's Duiker Spoor

Track: 41mm (1 5/8") x 25mm (1 ")

Ogilby's Duiker Distribution

This duiker is recorded in three distinct zones close to the West African coast: from Sierra Leone to Ghana ; between Nigeria , Cameroon and Bioko ; in Gabon . A rough distribution map was obtained from Haltenorth & Diller (1980) and updated on the basis of the more recent and reliable country maps in East (1990) and information in Kingdon (1997). Its distribution in Gabon also takes into account Gautier-Hion & Gautier (1994). Dr. R. East revised a preliminary map ( 23 June '97 )

Categorical-discrete (CD) distribution model

Primarily associated to high forest (Kingdon, 1997; East, 1990).