Yellow Backed Duiker
Yellow Backed Duiker

Average Mass:
60 kg (132 lb)

Average Shoulder Height:
82 cm (32")

Rowland Ward:
11.43 cm (4 1/2")

13 Points

Yellow Backed Duiker Spoor

Track: 41mm (1 5/8") x 25mm (1 ")

Yellow Backed Duiker Distribution

Among forest duikers, the yellow-backed duiker has the widest distribution range (Wilson & Reeder, 1993; East, 1996). In Burundi and Rwanda it is likely to be exterminated (East, 1996). An isolated population occurs in the Mau Forest of Kenya (East, 1988). The distribution map was drawn on the basis of country maps in East (1988, 1989, 1990), as suggested by Dr. R. East ( 23 June '97 ). Its occurrence in Gabon also takes into account information in Gautier-Hion & Gautier (1994); its presence on Mt. Elgon on the Uganda-Kenya border is uncertain (East, 1988)

Categorical-discrete (CD) distribution model

The species is associated with forest, gallery forest, forest patches and open bushland (Lumpkin & Kranz, 1984; East, 1988, 1989, 1990).